Sunday, November 25, 2018

One Less Orphan Fundraiser

We have selected to help the Jarvis family bring their newest Lovely home. Again this year,  we are offering. Letters from Santa. It was a great success last year in supporting over 100 orphans in 1 orphanage (yes, they all received a Christmas) and we hope that it will be just as successful this year & put a daughter in a family. The last day to order a letter from Santa is Dec. 9th. (to ensure delivery)

Now who wants a letter from SANTA? That's right! your child can receive a letter from Santa in the mail this December. Imagine your child's excitement when getting a piece of mail from Santa Claus!
 Each letter is personalized with your child(ren)'s name(s), it is on
Santa's letterhead, and is sealed with a red wax seal (It MUST be official ;))
There are 4 letter options to choose from, or we can customize. 



Option 1: Dear (Child's name),
I'll bet you are excited for Christmas! Is the town of (your city) buzzing with lights and activity? I just love this time of year! It won't be long before I'm landing my sleigh (Your street).
I heard from (Aunt/parent/guardian) that you have been such a good (boy/girl) this year! I'm very proud to hear it, but not surprised. I know how well you treat your friends and family, and I am just so impressed.
So, you are hoping for a (gift they asked for) for Christmas? Well, I will see what I can do. The elves are hard at work getting everything together for the big night.
Be sure to get lots of sleep on Christmas Eve! I know it's not easy when you're so excited, but you'll need your rest for all the fun you'll be having. Plus, I can't visit if there are children awake in the house.
By the way, I was so proud to hear about your progress in (school name/sports team, etc). Way to go! Keep up the good work.

Option 2: Dear (child's name),
Ho, ho, ho! I was just checking my list of good little girls/boys and there is your name. Are you surprised? I hope not! I'm very proud of you. I know it's hard to always speak politely, keep your room clean, and do your best at school. But no one expects children to be perfect. Actions are important, but so is what's in your heart. (child's name), I am so proud of you!
I'be heard that you are a super (big/little) (sister/brother). Thank you for taking special care of your sibling(s)
I got your wish list. Thanks so much. I see that you want some of the hot gifts lots of girls/boys are asking for this holiday season, as well as a (Gift they asked for) I'll do my best to get some of these cool toys to your home on Christmas Eve, as well as a few things to wear. 
Speaking of Christmas Eve, please be sure to go to bed early so you get plenty of rest. If you think of it, please leave me a cookie and maybe some milk. I get really hungry flying around the world all night.

Option 3:Dear (Child's name), 
Are you excited about Christmas this year? Me, too! Rudolph can't wait to pull my sleigh to your house in (City) on December 25th. His nose is glowing just thinking about it!
The North Pole is so busy this time of year. Mrs. Claus and I are sitting in front of the fire relaxing for a few minutes before I head over to the workshop to check on the elves. They are busy in the workshop getting all the toys ready for the big day. Your (parent/guardian) told me you asked for (gift), I will see what I can do for you. It's a good thing Rudolph and the other reindeer have been getting lots of exercise, because they will really have a workout this year.
Even though you're super-excited, please be sure to get to bed early on Christmas Eve. Santa can't stop at houses where boys and girls are wide awake. Then, in the morning, you'll see all the presents under the tree. That reminds me: Don't forget to hang up your stocking!
I know you have been good this year, and I am so proud! You've done ver well at (name of school). I'm sure you have heard of my list of children who are naughty and children who are nice. Well, every year your name shows up on the "nice" list.
Have a very Merry Christmas. I'll see you on Christmas Eve, but you'll be fast asleep.

Option 4:  Dear (Child's name),
Merry Christmas! I was just now checking my list for the second time and I see that you are there under "good little boys/girls." I'm so proud of you! I hear that you are a good listener, and so kind to everyone. The elves tell me that you are working hard at school and (Teacher's name) is excited to have you in their class. 
I got your wish list. Wow! You sure love boy/girl stuff. I let the elves know they'd better step up their work in the toy shop to get some of those things out to you. I know you asked for a (gift), I can't promise you'll get it, but I'll do my best.  You know, most little boys/girls don't get everything they want for Christmas, even boys/girls as good as you. But I'm sure you'll enjoy the surprises you do find under the tree. 
I am really looking forward to visiting your house this year. (your City) is one of my favorite places to visit, even though I can't stay long. I have to fly all over the world in one night!
Please go to bed early on Christmas Eve and keep being good. I know you can do it!

Steps to order a letter from Santa:

1.) PLEASE make your $10 donation per letter here or $20 per household

2.) Email your paypal receipt to:

3.) Elaina will contact you with your letter options. 


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